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Writer's pictureLisa R

Welcome Wednesday - this is the day where we invite family and friends to contribute to our blog; it

My sister’s opinion of me usually surprises me. I think it’s because she sees me in a different way than I see myself. Seeing as how she knows me so well, I unreasonably expect that she will know my inner “voice”; especially the voice that highlights my inadequacies. (That particular voice is annoyingly loud in my head.) So I am always taken aback when she has such faith that I can surely do something easily - like writing this blog. She has been telling me to write a blog for years, to the point where she can’t believe how ridiculous I am being for not writing one.

So, today, I decided to write. It’s a good day for it. It’s a rainy, chilly day. The kind of day where the ground is already well-saturated from the non stop downpour yesterday, and last night, and the night before, so why the hell is it still raining, kind of day. The kind of wet chilly day where your toes are so cold they start to feel numb and your bones and joints start to hurt, making you wonder if things feel this achy now, what will it feel like if you really make it to old age? What did poor Grandma feel with her arthritic bones? It’s one thing to picture Grandma all wrapped up in a thick soft warm blanket, wearing big fuzzy pink slippers, and clutching a cup of hot tea; and quite another to picture yourself at her same age, feeling this chilly-day pain, only amplify the pain by the same number of years. Damn.

That chilly day feeling is the reason I decided to take a dose of Glucosamine -Chondroitin this morning. It’s a supplement to help the body build up cartilage and connective bone tissue. I’ve read really good things about it and it should work. If only I was better at following through. See, I’ve gone through this many times before where I’ve had the best of intentions and taken it for up to a whole week, before forgetting about it completely. We have a giant bottle of it in the kitchen, right next to the multi-vitamins that I also forget to take regularly. The whole reason we bought the supplement was to give to the dog! But don’t worry, it really is a people-pill, not a dog-pill. I hope it worked for her and helped her with her joints. At least I can say I was better about remembering to give it to her. Although anyone who ever met my dog when she was still alive, can only imagine what a workout it was to get her to swallow any pill. I would literally need a shower afterwards. Spitting out pills was her one great talent.

So, there you go. I have finally written a blog entry. My sister has finally gotten her wish after years and years of wondering what was wrong with me. Why on earth have I never written in a blog. If you listen to the way she tells it, it should be my great calling in life. But, here’s the part she didn’t count on. One - it’s mostly about her and Two - the rest is about nothing much at all. Maybe that’s the point and maybe that’s just the way it’s supposed to be. Either way, I have to admit, it is fun! So thanks lil’ sis! I love you.

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