A new art exhibit in the Oculus displays meticulously reproduced frescoes by Michelangelo, at the Sistine Chapel. The exhibit displays 34 reproductions in near original size and they are incredible. I’ve never had the opportunity to visit Vatican city so for me to be able to see this replica first hand was amazing. The size of the paintings are overwhelming.
At first I thought tickets were a bit pricey at $20 ($22 for an audio tour) but considering how much work went into the recreation, it’s fair and there are also explanations of some frescoes. It is a nice display but I'm not certain how many visitors it received because you can view it from the balcony without even having to go inside so it’s really for all to see, which is also a nice aspect. The exhibit will be through July 23, 2017 and if you’d like to buy tickets go to Westfield.com/upclose