Soldering iron | Damp sponge | Solder | Flux | Brush for the flux | Sandpaper | Damp rag | Safety glasses | Grapevine garland | Wire | Gold Wire | Eucalyptus | Lavender | Gypsum | Glue Gun | Floral Wire | Pliers | Wire cutters
I wanted a truly custom spring wreath so I got some wire and went to the drawing board.
Firstly, I searched online how to connect two pieces of metal; I came across a blog called Pretty Handy Girl by Brittany, it was great, I was able to follow the video tutorial and tips on soldering and applied it to closing the wreath, see the link below to her tutorial:
There are a few parts to this DIY “Spring is Knocking” Wreath, but if you love it but don’t have the time to make one yourself you can purchase, direct message me at and I will be happy to work with you on your customizable spring wreath or check out others in my Etsy shop LiltidbitsCrafts.
To start, solder to whatever diameter you want your circle to be, it is great because if you really want to make a statement with a large wreath, go for it! I have a regular size door but wanted something bold and beautiful so I went with 30” give or take :) Once you know the size of your circle take your grapevine garland and run the metal through it, this took some finesse. Put your goggles on because you are ready to solder safety first, and do not allow your soldering iron touch the grapevine, be cautious this stuff gets hot. If soldering is not your thing, forgo it and buy a grapevine wreath, they come in a variety of sizes. Another option is if the wire is bendable you can twist it back in the grapevine garland and put electrical tape and hopefully avoid scratching your door. Once you have closed the wreath circle set it aside and let it cool overnight to be safe.
Take your floral wire and secure the grapevine to the other side by interweaving it, twist and hide the wire in the back. Layer on the eucalyptus, I put them on the top left and bottom left securing with floral wire. I began to add the gypsum, lavender, again securing with floral wire. After I was happy with how this looked, I began to add flowers to the left side where the eucalyptus meets. I did this with my glue gun being careful not to burn my fingers, not always successful there (ouch)!
I took my gold wire and pliers and began twisting it into the word 'Spring', I made it large enough that it would stand out. To secure it to my wreath I made a small loop on the cursive ends of the first and last letters, then used thin gold wire to tie it to my wreath so it stays in place.